Amphotericin B, capreomycin, ceph-alosporins, cisplatin, methoxyflurane, polymyxin B, vancomycin, other aminoglycosides: Increased hazard of nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, and neuro-toxicity. Use cautiously together.
Bumetanide, ethacrynicacid, furasemide, man-nitol, urea: Ototoxicity. Use cautiously together. Monitor child closely.
Dimenhydrinate; other antiemetics, antivertigo drugs: May mask tobramycin-induced ototoxici-ty. Avoid concomitant use.
General anesthetics, neuromuscular blockers (such as succinylcholine, tubocurarine): Potenti-ated neuromuscular blockade. Use cautiously to-gether.
Penicillins: Synergistic bactericidal effect against P. aeruginosa, E. coli, Klebsiella, Citrobacter, En-teroBacter Serratia, and Proteus mirabilis. How-ever, drugs are physically and chemically in-compatible; Inactivated when mixed or given together. Dont use together. |