Antacids containing aluminum and magnesium, antidiarrheals: Decreased absorp-tion; decreased therapeutic response to drug. , Avoid concomitant use.
Antiarrhythmics (such as disopyramide, pro-cainamide, quinidine): Increased risk of arrhythmias and conduction defects. Monitor child closely; perform periodic ECG testing.
Appetite suppressants, sympathomimetics (such as ephedrine [commonly found in nasal sprays, epinephrine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanola-mine): Decreased stimulatory and pressor ef-fects. Monitor child closely; check blood pres-sure regularly.
Atropine, other anticholinergics (such as antide-pressants, antihistamines, antiparkinsonians, MAO inhibitors, meperidine ; Oversedation, paralytic ileus, visual changesof severe constipation. Monitor child closely.
Beta blockers: Increased thioridazine plasma lev-els and toxicity. Use together cautiously.
Bromocriptine: Antagonized effect on prolactin secretion. Use together cautiously.
Centrally acting antihypertensives (such as cloni-dine, guanabenz, guanadrel, guanethidine, methyldopa, reserpine): Inhibited therapeutic et. fect of these drugs. Monitor child closely.
CNS depressants (such as analgesics, anes-thetics (epidural glenera, spinal], barbiturates, narcotics, parenteral magnesium sulfate, tran-quilizers): Oversedation, respiratory depression, hypotension. Additive CNS effect. Avoid con-comitant use.
Epinephrine: Epinephrine reversal. Avoid con-comitant use.
High-dose dopamine: Decreased vasoconstric-tion. Monitor child closely.
Levodopa: Decreased effectiveness; increased toxicity of levodopa. Avoid concomitant use.
Lithium: Severe neurologic toxicity with an encephalitis-like syndrome; decreased therapeutic response to thioridazine. Dont use to-gether..
Nitrates: Possible hypotension. Monitor blood pressure.
Phenobarbital: Enhanced renal excretion; de-creased therapeutic response to drug. Avoid con-comitant use.
Phenytoin: Phenytoin toxicity. Dont use con-comitantly.
Propylthiouracil: Increased risk of agranulocyto-sis. Avoid concomitant use.
Sun exposure: Photosensitivity reactions. Tell child to take precautions |