Aminoglycoside antibiotics: Syner-gistic bactericidal effects against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Cit-robacter, Enterobacter, Serratia, and Proteus mirabilis. However, drugs are physically and chem-ically incompatible; inactivated when mixed or given together. Dont give together.
Clavulanic acid, sulbactam, tazobactam: Syner-gistic bactericidal effects against certain beta-lactamase-producing bacteria. May be used together for this effect.
Methotrexate: Large doses of penicillins may in-terfere with renal tubular secretion of methotrex-ate; delayed elimination and elevated serum lev-els of methotrexate. Monitor child for toxicity.
Probenecid: Blocked tubular secretion of piper-acillin, raising serum levels of drug. Probenecid may be used for this purpose.
Vecuronium: Prolonged neuromuscular block-ade. Monitor child closely. |