Beta-blockers: May antagonize car-diac effects of dobutamine, resulting in increased peripheral resistance and predominance of al-pha-adrenergic effects. Monitor child closely.
Bretylium: May potentiate actions of vasopres-sors on adrenergic receptors, resulting in ar-rhythmias. Monitor child closely.
Guanadrel, guanethidine: May decrease hypo-tensive effects of these drugs; however, these drugs may potentiate pressor effects of dobuta-mine, possibly resulting in hypertension and car-diac arrhythmias. Monitor child closely.
Inhalation hydrocarbon anesthetics (especially cyclopropane, halothane): May trigger ventricu-lar arrhythmias. Use cautiously and monitor child closely.
Nitroprusside: May cause higher cardiac output and lower pulmonary artery wedge pressure. Monitor child for effects.
Tricyclic antidepressants: May potentiate pres-sor response. Monitor child closely. |